Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New in 2008

Let's ring in the new year in style. Someone so graciously wished all of us who walked the beach yesterday a happy new year. I thought that was nice of them. In return, I wish that your new year be filled with lots of romps around the beach, hikes at your favorite parks, nice strolls in your neighborhood, plenty of meet ups with your favorite friends, and lots and lots of yummy foods.

There is a lot of talk about New Year's resolutions. What's that about? Have you ever stuck to one? I want to take a pole to find out how many of you actually keep your new year promise for change. To the right, I created a pole...please participate by voting. You'll automatically know what the results are.
I thought about eating healthy this year but my momma already took care of that last May. We eat really clean now. Well, if I had to pick something I guess it would be to keep having fun. Yeah, that's a good one! I know I'll stick to that.

Lindsay has a life resolution she would like to stick to. What is it?

"My life resolution is to never tear up a bed ever again! I promise, yesterday was the last time. It doesn't count cause it was last year. "

"I was just so bored on the drive back home and the bed was already torn from the time I got to it a year ago. Sorry....I couldn't help myself. It won't happen again!"

We wish you the best in 2008!

1 comment:

Mary said...

OMG...Linsday! You crack me up with those beds!