Monday, January 21, 2008

Snow Day's not really a snow day. But it could have been if we had snow in Sacramento.

First, I want to thank those of you who participated in the poll. Looks like most of you feel the same and don't really keep their New Year's Resolutions. Maybe we should make small resolutions every month that we can actually stick to? Just a thought.

Today was one of those days when all you want to do is stay inside. The weather was yucky and cold. Not my idea of good outdoor fun.

Bella heard a loud noise.

She ran to the romper room to check it out...

Oh, here's that snow I was talking about.'s actually HAIL!!! I knew it was extra cold today! You may be wondering where we were when this all went down?

Taking a nap with our dadda, of course! Now I know why Bella loves to sleep under the covers, it's so toasty under there.

My parents friends came over this afternoon. We couldn't stay out to greet them because one of them isn't comfortable around dogs. Especially dogs as big as me. That's ok. Like my momma says, "the secret about how gentle I am isn't out yet." :) I know if he gave me a chance, he would learn to love me--guaranteed! They brought their newborn baby Xavier with them. If my momma hadn't taken a picture I wouldn't believe her when she said a baby was in the house because I didn't hear him cry, not once! What a cuttie pattutie!

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