Yesterday (I seem to be a day behind in all of my posts...oh well.) my momma's cousin, Cyndi came to visit with her boys, Ricky, Jake, and Lucas. It's the first time they came to my house. At first my momma was nervous because she wasn't sure how I would handle three kids in my home. I really don't know why.....geez...I love kids :) We waited outside for Cyndi and the kids. My momma made me sit while the kids and Cyndi, one by one, gave me some yummy treats. It was love at first sight! I'm a sucker for treats!
Right away Jake became fond of Linus. Once he discovered Linus was semi-easy to pick up...
...he wanted his picture taken with him on the couch. Linus didn't want to sit around on the couch he wanted some of the action me and Lindsay were having outside.
So, Jake and Linus watched us as we romped around the back yard. They wanted to be out with us and I wanted to be inside on my bed.
"Let's join the dogs outside" cousin Cyndi said. Lucas was a bit shy because he just awoke from a nap only to discover he was in a new place with all sorts of animals around him. Lucas wasn't particularly fond of me but I could tell he was very curious because he cased my every move. See how he's watching me walk away?
Jake found my ridge to be quite most kids do. No, I don't gel it every morning!
Now, let's have a smile... Hmmmm....he's so good at posing for pics. Wonder where he got that from? Could it be his momma, Cyndi?
We all decided to go inside to watch a movie. In the middle of the movie we hear a scream coming from my parents bedroom. My momma and cousin Cyndi run to check it out. It was baby Lucas!! He crawled up onto my parents bed to be with Bella and Linus. He screamed because he was excited to be so close to them. I guess the baby does like cats after all.
Jake wanted his picture taken with Bella, too.
Let's not forget about Linus.
Linus wanted to see what was going on in the living room. Lucas realized Linus was the perfect height for petting but Linus was too fast.
I don't understand where all this fascination with the cats came from?
Lindsay said, "count me in on the fun" as she sat on Ricky's legs.
If you hadn't noticed already, Jake is the ham between his brothers. He absolutely loves taking pictures, so he didn't want to pass on the opportunity to take a picture with my sista.
We had fun during the Buhler boys visit. It was a good mental exercise for us because we were pooped afterwards.
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