Friday, November 30, 2007

A little chilly at 4 a.m.

This morning my dadda saw how cold I was that he put his sweater on me. My momma laughed so hard when she woke up that she snapped a picture of me. I really don't know what was so funny....I was cold and my dadda was nice enough to make me warm.

"Ok the's time for you to go out," my momma says. Are you kidding? Why does she think I want to go out when the temps are practically freezing at 6am. Besides, I just warmed up. Then, for some strange reason, my momma takes my new sweater off. Why? Something about me peeing on it if she left it on. I swear I would never do that!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Bison you look so cute in your sweater! You'll have to convince Bruno that it's cool to wear them. He keeps ripping his off!