Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Naps are important!

Have you ever been awaken from a nice nap? Then had your mom take pictures of you when you're not at your best?

Well it happened to us! Me and Bison were taking a lovely nap on the couch when...

...my momma woke us up for a bathroom trip. Can you believe it?! As if I want to go outside when it's below freezing temps to use the bathroom! When I'm in dream land, don't bother me. Seriously, does it look like I have to go? The bags underneath my eyes should be indicator that I'm pretty sleepy.

C'mon mom, I'm going back to bed!

Even Bison is too tired go.
Bison: Come back in a few hours and ask us if we want to go then.

Alright, I'll go!

Naw, changed my mind...I'm too sleepy!

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