This post is coming a little late. During my visit to the bay I tried accessing my blog to post but my abuela's (that's Spanish for grandma) internet was kinda goofy. It would kick me off and not let me upload pictures to my blog. I grew tired fussing around with wires, modems, and routers that I decided to wait til I got home to complete my thoughts and add visuals. Then, year end must do's rolled around. I had to help my momma clean out our closets so she could take stuff her and my dadda don't use anymore and donate them to
Goodwill. Then, she had to return to work with a nasty cold. She suspects my abuelo's gave it to her during our visit. Whatta gift, huh?! I'd much rather get cookies or jerky than a nasty cold that drains your energy.
Anyhoo... on with my adventure last Sunday, the day before Christmas Eve:
I went with my momma to the Bay to visit my abuelo's (a little repetitive, but in case you forgot I thought I'd emphasize the fact...ha ha hah). My momma has a mission to learn how to make her abuela's

infamous tamales from Guatemala. Her abuela isn't with us any longer so she is learning from no one better than her papa (that is Spanish for dad). He is the only one amongst five siblings who took interest in learning this complicated recipe. My momma is taking notes and pictures to document the whole tamale making process. Hopefully every year here after she will continue the tradition and make tamales for the family. Geez...I hope she will throw one down my way, too. My dadda couldn't come because he had to work, so, Lindsay volunteered to stay with him to keep him company. I thought that was nice of her.

Ok, I have to vent about the ride down! There was so much traffic for a Sunday morning!! When we got to the bay bridge, we came to a complete stop. There were a sea of cars in front, back, and to the sides of me. Having been in the car for nearly three hours, enough was enough....what is the hold up already?
We finally reached our first destination to visit my dadda's parents and my uncle Ron. My momma secretly plotted with uncle Ron to help her get my dadda's Christmas gift. I think this time he will truly be surprised. She always tries to surprise him but my dadda is way too smart and always figures out what my momma is trying to surprise him with. I stayed with my grandparents while my momma and uncle Ron went to the human stores to get my dadda a jacket he's been wanting.
Here is grandpa Ralph with cousin Kody.

And my uncle Ron and grandma Anna posing with me in front of their house.

Then we went to visit my momma's padres (that is Spanish for parents), actually, our final destination. My momma got right to tamale making. Here she is documenting how my abuelo makes the special sauce.

While they were working, I had free roam of this big two story house. I kept running up and down the stairs to see if I could beat my last record. I think my fastest rate was 1.2 seconds flat! Yeah, these long legs helped me bypass some abuela was amazed with my talents.

I think it's pretty neat how I'm running up and down the very stairs my momma used to when she was a kid.

My uncle Chris came to visit me, but he forgot to bring my Christmas gift! Maybe he'll bring it the next time I come visit? When my momma told us she wanted us to pose for a picture, uncle Chris told me to make a funny face. He's so silly! I wanted to call him tio Christos but he forbade me! He said he prefers uncle over tio....I wonder why?

"Ok, momma....I'm tired! I've had a long day. It's time for bed now, I closed the door already...lets go mimmis!"

"That's better, but something is missing."

"Ah, yes! I like to be covered in down blanket please."

The next day (Christmas Eve) they got right back to making tamales. My momma wasn't kidding when she said this tamale making stuff was complicated, not to mention, lots of work! I wanted to stay clear while they zoomed around the kitchen, so, I took refuge on the most comfortable recliner ever!

Finally, they finished! I was pooped from watching.

Then it was time for my Christmas Eve venture. My momma and abuelo took me to Fort Funston. My momma and dadda used to go there all the time when they lived in the bay. I can see's oodles of fun!!
"Wait. Momma, I think I see another RR coming my way."

"Dawgsta! It was a Great Dane! Great, I can't believe I confused a RR for a GD...don't tell anybody!"

My momma swears she's a photog with her point and shoot camera. I am a good subject though, so I gotta give her credit cause she does have an eye for beauty (hee hee).