Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tug o Tug

Our cousins, The Dogfathers, gave us one of their mafioso tugs for our playing pleasure. We want to give them 4 paws up for it's excellent craftsmanship and fine attention to color detail. Mostly, it's tug o fun!! Me and my sista love to play tug o tug together but we also like to play tug with my momma.

To show you how much we enjoyed our new toy, my momma took a short video of me and my sista tugging. I discovered a fool proof plan to guarantee me a win. While tugging, I slowly move my jaw towards the opponents end. Pretty soon I'm at their end of the tug leaving my opponent little or no room to hold their end of the tug. They have no chance but to let go. Victory for me!! Ha that's strategy! I use my fool proof technique in this video, see if you can spot it. Pay attention because I'm sneaky fast!

For those of you interested in getting a tug of your very own for those fur kids dear to your hearts, visit the canine mafioso website. I'll add the link to the links section in case you want to gift a tug for a friend or family dog later.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Thank you Bison for the plug! We'll make sure to send you a 10% kickback for all of your referrals. ;)