Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Birthday's seem to end faster than they come

We celebrated my third birthday this past Saturday, March 1. I can't believe I'm already three!! Yes, it's taken me some time to update my blog with pictures of this fantastic day but I've been busy. What can I say? I'm a ridgie with important engagements on my daily agenda. No one warms the couch like my big butt can.

My parents had to work (as usual) but when they got home we all went to my favorite park for a walk in my birthday honor. First we played catch me if you can. I know I can catch my parents but I don't lead them on to think so. It's waaaay too much fun to run around and be silly.

Ha ha ha....our shadows look bigger than we are. Shadows are cool!Then, I saw the cutest squirrel run up a tree. Squirrelly...please come down. I only want to say hello. Don't you want to wish me a happy birthday? Lindsay went crazy when she saw it. She let out this huge skreetch and started screaming out of excitement. I suppose she wanted to say hi, too?

We stopped on the walkway and I posed for a birthday portrait. Look...even the powerful sun wished me a happy third birthday!! The sun hearts me...check out the bottom left part of the picture on my leg. I heart you, too, wonderful sun!

Some people ask me what this thing on my back is. It's funny 'cause they think I'm mad or that my momma somehow created a mohawk on my back. No...silly's a "ridge". That's why my breed is a Rhodesian Ridgeback. We ended the day with lots of yummy treats. Next year I want a birthday cake!

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