Sunday, March 29, 2009

All in a days work

Days at the office should always be this easy!

While my momma ties up loose ends in the office, we decided to take a snooze. It's true we barely fit on the bed in the office but we make it work. In case you were wondering what that white ball was in the chair, it's Bella.

Where is Linus, you ask?

He has the couch all to himself!

I think he's on to something...hmmmm?


Totally Timmy said...

Oh They look so comfy..

Unknown said...

Oh man, I wish I was doing that right now!

Bison and Lindsay I was wondering if you got my earlier comment on your "the cats are green" post. We were excited to hear you mention World's Best Cat Litter™ and would love to send you a bag for free if you send your address to me at

Good luck with the nap!


Life With Dogs said...

Not a bad arrangement :)

The Oceanside Animals said...

When you say "we" barely fit on the bed, you just mean Bison, right?

Anonymous said...

Thats what I do best!!!


Stella Kar Mun 嘉芠 said...

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