I didn't know that when my momma said we were going to feast on Turkey the day after Thanksgiving that we didn't include me and Lindsay. Momma, please be more clear next time.
We were invited but Lucy is still sick and possibly contagious. My momma was just keeping us safe. Ok, I forgive you!

So, I hear my parents and uncle Chris chowed down on grandma's famous succulent turkey. Ya think they brought me any? Nope. Who cares if there is too much sodium and other things that are bad for me. It tastes so good!
Apparently they were too hungry to even take pictures of the food. Geez...at least let me live through your pictures!
What my momma did capture is Lucy playing ball with my dad. That huge ball is her favorite ball ever.

Lucy: "Throw the damn ball before I.... Just throw it already!"

Max on the other hand was a bit weary of this huge purple swirled thing. Don't let that biker jacket confuse you, he's a softy.

Maybe a weenie even, he stayed away from my parents and uncle while they visited. Something tells me his fear might have something to do with this.
I don't know...just an observation.